ANALYSIS SOON.... I submitted a FOIA request for this information a few days ago.* I think I am the first to report the complete list. I'm excited - this is why I started this blog - to bring timely information concerning hyper-local education issues of interest to RPS educators and community members. Here is the final list of community members who have submitted their names for consideration to be appointed to the school board seat vacated by Jonathan Young. Demetrios Axarlis, Chris Bacon, Willie Barley, George Braxton, Amber Brown, Sheron Carter‐Gunter, William Craig, Angela Fontaine, Wesley Hedgepeth, Derek Redwine, Garrett Sawyer, Taylor Jeffrey, Albertina Walker, Thomas Washington, Jr. *My original FOIA was sent April 22. The School Board clerk kindly suggested I wait for the candidate deadline to pass. I also appreciate that RPS did not charge me for this information. However, not all FOIA's are free. If you found this content useful, please consider "buyin...
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